✨ This article will help you to learn, Top 50+ Linux Commands that You Should Know as a cloud & devops engineer.
QUES. 1 What is Linux and why it is used?
Linux is used as an embedded OS for a variety of applications, including household appliances, automotive entertainment systems and network file system appliances.
Network OS for routers, switches, domain name system servers, home networking devices and more.
1. ls :
The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories.
2. pwd :
Print working directory command in Linux.
3. cd :
Linux command to navigate through directories.
4. mkdir :
Command used to create directories in Linux.
5. mv :
Move or rename files in Linux.
6. cp :
Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux.
7. rm :
Delete files or directories.
8. touch :
Create blank/empty files.
9. In :
Create symbolic links (shortcuts) to other files.
10. cat :
Display file contents on the terminal.
11. clear :
Clear the terminal display.
12. echo :
Print any text that follows the command.
13. less :
Linux command to display paged outputs in the terminal.
14. man :
Access manual pages for all Linux commands.
15. uname :
Linux command to get basic information about the OS.
16. whoami :
Get the active username.
17. tar :
Command to extract and compress files in Linux.
18. grep :
Search for a string within an output.
19. head :
Return the specified number of lines from the top.
20. tail :
Return the specified number of lines from the bottom.
21. diff :
Find the difference between two files.
22. cmp :
Allows you to check if two files are identical.
23. comm :
Combines the functionality of diff and cmp.
24. sort :
Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting.
25. export :
Export environment variables in Linux.
26. zip :
Zip files in Linux.
27. unzip :
Unzip files in Linux.
28. ssh :
Secure Shell command in Linux.
29. scp :
scp (secure copy) command in Linux system is used to copy file(s) between servers in a secure way.
The SCP command or secure copy allows secure transferring of files in between the local host and the remote host or between two remote hosts.
30. service :
Linux command to start and stop services.
31. ps :
Display active processes.
32. kill and killall :
Kill active processes by process ID or name.
33. df :
Display disk filesystem information.
34. mount :
Mount file systems in Linux.
35. chmod :
Command to change file permissions.
36. chown :
Command for granting ownership of files or folders.
37. ifconfig :
Display network interfaces and IP addresses.
38. traceroute :
Trace all the network hops to reach the destination.
39. wget :
Direct download files from the internet.
40 . ufw :
Firewall command.
41. iptables :
Iptables is a standard firewall included in most Linux distributions by default (a modern variant called nftables will begin to replace it).
42. apt, pacman, yum, rpm :
Package managers depending on the distro.
43. sudo :
Command to escalate privileges in Linux.
44. cal :
View a command-line calendar.
45. date :
date command is used to display the system date and time. date command is also used to set date and time of the system.
46. alias :
Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands.
47. dd :
Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks.
48. whereis :
Locate the binary, source, and manual pages for a command.
49. whatis :
The whatis command is used to get brief information about Linux commands or functions.
50. top :
View active processes live with their system usage.
51. useradd and usermod :
Add new user or change existing users data.
52. passwd :
Create or update passwords for existing users.
53. lscpu :
A command-line utility “lscpu” in Linux is used to get CPU information of the system.
54. netstat -tnlp :
Netstat is a command line utility for Linux that prints network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
Netstat can be used to diagnose network issues and service problems.
55. init 0 :
init 0 stands for system shutdown.
56. ps -aux :
The ps aux command is a tool to monitor processes running on your Linux system.
57. pstree :
Pstree command in Linux that shows the running processes as a tree which is a more convenient way to display the processes hierarchy and makes the output more visually appealing.
So Finally I have successfully completed my this blog. Thank you Vimal Daga sir for giving me such a great knowledge. Sir your mentorship is a God gift for me to enhance my skills and I am very blessed because you are my mentor.
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